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access connections

美 [ˈækses kəˈnɛkʃənz]英 [ˈækses kəˈnɛkʃənz]
  • 网络访问连接;通路连接
access connectionsaccess connections
  1. The options you select apply to all your remote access connections .


  2. Installs a tool for the creation of customized remote access connections , which you can distribute to your users .


  3. " Ability to rename all user remote access connections "


  4. Now that we understand how to access the Lotus Connections data using the APIs , the next step is to start writing the iPhone application .


  5. In mobile computing environment , users can access information through wireless connections regardless of their physical location .


  6. You can use this device for remote access requests or demand-dial connections .


  7. Online catalog terminals are located throughout the library ; remote access and campus network connections to the online catalog are also available .


  8. A dial-up remote access server can receive connections directly from remote clients through dial-up media , such as a modem .


  9. He found that people who had access to fast internet connections were , other things being equal , less likely to read the print edition .


  10. Typically , developers writing database applications in the Java language do not have access to the various connections defined in the database explorer view of the data perspective .


  11. I am mainly responsible for the implementation of log system , adopting the updated ulog-accted module to realize access log through the connections of firewall .


  12. The global ontology unifies the query access and establishes semantic connections among the underlying local XML data sources . The query on global ontology is processed using query translation from an RDF query to an XML query .
